Demand-Driven Futuristic Skill Course
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) is a joint venture of General and Higher Education Departments, Govt. of Kerala. ASAP has started an initiative to cover the skill gap of Engineering graduates through Advanced Skill Development Center.
College of Engineering Munnar is an Advanced Skill Development Center for the futuristic course Artificial Intellegence/Machine Learning (AIM). Machine learning jobs are on the increase and many computer science engineers (others too) are looking for machine learning fresher jobs in India. The goal of ASAP is to make Kerala an AI hub through ASDC by skilling 2000 trainees over a period of 3 years. It may be achieved by providing AI & ML specific courses to them.
We are proud to announce that the maximum number of students qualified from the test conducted by ASAP across Kerala are CEMians. Our trainers for this course have proved to be the best among the 95 trainers identified across Kerala. College of Engineering Munnar has joined hands with ASAP with the aim of moulding creative professionals who love to innovate and find themselves tinkering in new technologies.