About the Department

The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2000. Since then the department functions with all state-of-the art facilities. The labs were modernized in the year 2014 with the fund obtained from AICTE under the Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence scheme. The maximum number of permanent faculty members help the department to under take research and inventions.


To become centre of excellence in Electronics & Communication Engineering, catering the needs of industry and society.

  • To make the students to learn with the state of the art technologies to meet the growing challenges of the industry.
  • To carry out research and development through constant interaction with research organizations and industries.
  • To undertake collaborative projects with leading academic institutions, industry and Government.
  1. Our Graduates would be successful in Technical and Professional careers.
  2. Our Graduates would be successful in their post-undergraduate studies at leading institutions.
  3. Our Graduates will be successful in providing solutions for social and environmental problems.
    1. The graduate will be well-versed in the principles of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals.
    1. The graduates will be able to identify, formulate, summarize scholarly materials, analyse complex engineering problems and draw substantiated conclusions, using first principles.
    1. The graduates will be able to design solutions for complex engineering problems, design components, systems, processes or products to meet desired specifications which take into consideration the various aspects of public health and safety, the cultural, societal and environmental issues.
    1. The graduates will be able to perform investigations on complex problems by conducting experiments, analyse  and interpret the results to provide valid conclusions.
    1. The graduates will be able to select and apply the appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and  IT tools.
    1. The graduates will be able to offer engineering solutions to societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues.
    1. The graduates will be able to demonstrate the capacity to select environmental friendly sustainable engineering solutions to the societal and industrial problems.
    1. The graduates will be able to understand the responsibilities and practice professional ethics.
    1. The graduates will be able to function effectively as an individual, member of a team or as its leader in multidisciplinary activities.
    1. The graduates will be able to communicate effectively to both the peers (visual, oral and written) and the others and give as well receive clear instructions.
    1. The graduates will be able to apply engineering & management principles in group projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  1. The graduates will be able to realize the need for lifelong learning and engage them to adopt technological changes.

Programmes offered

B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering – 30 seats

M.Tech. VLSI and Embedded Systems – 9 seats


Dr. Biju V. G.

Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Electronics and Communication Engineering