Details of Conference papers
- “Performance Analysis of Z-source Inverter fed PMBLDC Motor Drive” Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Trends, Trivandrum, November 2010.
- “Performance Comparison of a BLDC Motor Drive using Four Switch and Six Switch Inverter Topologies” International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Allahabad, Nov-Dec 2010.
- “Distributed Generation based upon Solar Energy”, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends on Electrical Engineering, Peerumade, February 2012.
A Novel Transformer less Interleaved High step-down Conversion ratio DC- DC Converter with Low Switch Voltage Stress”, IJIREEICE, Volume 4, Issue 4 April 2016, Pages-349-352.
Speed Control of a BLDC Motor Using PWM Control Technique, IJIREEICE Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2016, Pages 18-21.
Vector Controlled PMSM Drive with Power factor Correction using Zeta Converter, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing, August 2017, Tamil Nadu, India.
Design of a Novel Topology for Off Board Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Fast Charger using Three Phase Dual Active Bridge 2023 IEEE 9th International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Thiruvananthapuram, India, 2023, pp. 19-24,
Details of Courses Taught
- Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments
- Electrical Technology
- Electrical Machines-I, II, III
- Electrical System Design
- Electrical Material Science
- Electric Circuit Theory
- Power Electronics
- Communication Engineering
- Analog Communication
- Power Systems-I,II,III
Other Responsibilities
1. Staff Advisor 2024-28 EEE batch
2. Reviewer, 2023 IEEE International Conference on “Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2023)” held in Trivandrum, Kerala, India, during 17 to 20 December 2023.